Gardening Trends for 2024: Innovations and Exciting Events at Lakeview Nurseries

As we step into 2024, the gardening world is abuzz with fresh trends and innovative practices designed to make gardening more enjoyable, sustainable, and rewarding. At Lakeview Nurseries, we’re embracing these trends and introducing exciting initiatives to enhance your gardening journey. From our newly launched rewards app to exclusive promotions and contests, there’s something for everyone at Lakeview Nurseries this year.

1. Embrace the Digital Green Thumb with Our New Rewards App

In 2024, technology continues to revolutionize gardening, and Lakeview Nurseries is at the forefront with our new rewards app. Designed for our loyal customers, this app not only simplifies shopping but also rewards your green thumb efforts. Earn points for every purchase, which can be redeemed for discounts, special offers, and exclusive gardening supplies. Stay updated with gardening tips, care reminders, and be the first to know about new arrivals and events at Lakeview Nurseries.

2. Supertunia Summer: A Celebration of Color and Beauty

This year, we’re thrilled to announce the Supertunia Summer promotion, featuring select Proven Winner’s Supertunia petunia varieties. Known for their vibrant colors, resilience, and long blooming periods, Supertunias are a must-have for any garden looking to make a statement. Visit us to explore the selected varieties and bring home a burst of color to your garden this summer.

3. Tomatofest Contest: Showcasing Your Juiciest Tomatoes

Gardeners with a passion for growing tomatoes won’t want to miss our Tomatofest contest. Celebrate the joy of tomato gardening by entering your juiciest, most delicious tomatoes into our competition. Winners will receive attractive prizes, not to mention bragging rights for growing the best tomatoes in town. Stay tuned for contest dates and entry guidelines.

4. Embrace Regenerative Growing With GardenGlow

We’re excited to introduce GardenGlow from Earth Microbial, a revolutionary product that promises to transform your gardening practices. GardenGlow offers an earth-friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, supporting regenerative growing techniques that nurture your soil and plants. This innovative product is designed to enhance plant growth, health, and resilience naturally. Incorporate GardenGlow into your gardening routine and contribute to a healthier planet.

5. Sustainable Gardening Solutions

Sustainability is a key trend in 2024, and Lakeview Nurseries is committed to offering eco-friendly gardening solutions. From organic fertilizers and pest control options to a selection of native plants that support local wildlife, we’re here to help you garden in harmony with nature. Explore our range of sustainable gardening supplies and make a positive impact on the environment.

6. Gardening Workshops and Community Events

Education and community engagement are at the heart of Lakeview Nurseries. This year, we’re expanding our workshop series to include sessions on the latest gardening trends, such as vertical gardening, hydroponics, and creating pollinator-friendly gardens. Join our community events to meet fellow gardening enthusiasts, share tips, and learn from experts.

Lakeview Nurseries is more than just a place to buy plants; it’s a community where gardeners of all levels can find inspiration, knowledge, and support. Whether you’re looking to dive into the latest gardening trends, participate in exciting contests, or simply enjoy the beauty of nature, we’re here to make your gardening experience unforgettable. Visit us today and let’s grow together in 2024.