The Greenthumb Project

At Lakeview, we believe in nurturing not only plants but also the young minds in our community. Our close partnership with the Lunenburg High School Greenhouse Program underscores this commitment. This program, initially known as the Greenthumb Project, has been an integral part of our local educational landscape since the 1960s, thanks to the visionary efforts of my grandmother, Priscilla, one of its founding organizers.

Priscilla’s passion for horticulture and education helped shape the program, working alongside students and teachers to cultivate not just plants, but a love for the green industry. Continuing this legacy, I took a hands-on role in overseeing the Greenhouse Program after graduating from UMass Amherst, a position I held before passing the torch to the capable hands of Dawn Gearin, the current Science Department Head at Lunenburg High. My time there, though brief, was a period of growth and learning, and it solidified my commitment to this invaluable community asset.

Our garden center plays a pivotal role in supporting the Lunenburg High School Greenhouse Program, ensuring it remains a thriving educational platform. We provide essential materials such as potting soil, pots, and plants, aiding in the hands-on learning experiences that are crucial for the students. This support is not just an investment in the program but in the future of our community’s green industry.

Moreover, we are proud to offer employment opportunities to graduates of the program who have shown a keen interest and aptitude in horticulture. By hiring these students, we are not only acknowledging their hard work and passion but also fostering the next generation of industry professionals.